Is your week dragging it's heels or speeding by like a downhill free wheeling badger on roller blades? Either way we hope that we can help entertain you with happy day wishes and kick start your day in the right way. Today's happy day wishes are being wished by...........zrrchh.... wha?..........not again..........!!!??!?!?.....................

"Ha ha!!! It's me Plinky the evilest fish sailing the seven seas of evil. I've been spending the last awhile planning and ruminating on ways to destroy the happy day gang, but I figured if I can't beat 'em then join 'em. So I'm taking over the Happy Day Gang!!! I have hacked your site and I now have fully control. From now on there shall be the Miserable Day Gang, for I am evil and every day we shall wish you a miserable day. Seeing as I'm here now I shall be wishing you all a miserable day, oh it feels sooooo good to be evil, bwahahaha!!!!" Today's forecast is beatings, which is what you shall all receive if you dare smile. Why are we evil? Why is Mr Cheese so rubbish? Are cats indeed the most useless creatures on the planet? What is it that makes all fish so great? I will give you today's answers, but you will have to come to my underwater lair for me to tell you in person, mwahaha! Bad regards, The Miserable Day Gang.
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