Hope you have a Happy Thurs, Whether you be his or you be hers, For all the cats there's happy purrs, In this fair morn when we rise and stir. So continueth the missioneth of the happyeth gangeth to overthroweth the evileth Plinky....... Sorry...... it appears I just had a flashback to the middle ages when all words were followed by "eth" (and that's historically accurate, honestly.) Anyway, Jedi cat used the powers of the paws to locate Huskus and the good news is he's free! The bad news is that Plinky was long gone from the scene. Luckily for you and I he accidentally left some bank statements behind (damn that fish is really overdrawn) so we have managed to track him to his address. So in steps young Alex the Trojan cat to try and gain access to his house.

"Haha! He will never suspect I'm hiding here, he will think he's getting free gym equipment. Yes! That's how we'll fool him. Happy Thursday everyone, wish me luck!" Well there you have it, a cunning plan indeed using a fish's natural love of gym socks which will mean there's no way he can resist this kit bag. Today's forecast is ham, not the meat kind but the acting type. It's all going to be groan worthy today, expect no Oscars offered out, Barry Norman judges all! Will the Trojan idea work? How many bears does it take to screw in a light bulb? Are bears good poker players? What's the fascination with bears? Verily so we will meet again tomorrow. The Happy Day Gang.
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