'Ello! 'Ello! What we got here then? A Monday? What on Earth is Monday doing down here? Causing trouble I don't doubt guv'nor. Who remembers what happened on Friday? Well let's fill you in. Bearus Sapphire did indeed stop finishing his private business behind his tree (thankfully just a onesie) and sprinted fast downstream like a large bear chasing an evil fish...... hang on..... anyway once he got to a shallow point to intercept he couldn't find Plinky. Being only one fish in a big stream is not good for our bear. Normally young Bearus is used to fishing for hundreds of fish in a stream, he plays the law of averages y'see. Well like a bad hand in Poker he folded like a stack of cards after your annoying brother turns a fan on (I used to be that annoying brother heh heh heh!)

"Ok, what about here, I need an old priest and a young priest, the power of Christ compells you..." So it looks like Plinky gets away, well I should be talking in the past tense really as just at that point an angry moose turned up, who had once also been wronged by Plinky.

"Grr and a thousand times tarnation, I can't believe you put pink socks on my antlers and took a photo of me when I was asleep Plinky!" And with that he plunged his antlers deep into the water and flipped the evil fish sky high into the air like an angry moose flipping an evil fish.........yeah err...... and he bounced off a Tribble and into a bucket of water. So victory is ours, he has been defeated and is now in prison awaiting trial for crimes against Happiness. Celebrations have been going on over the weekend and now all the Happy Cats are stuffed but extremely happy. Meppy is here to wish us all a Happy Monday.

"Dang, I just couldn't eat another bite, that sure was some tasty fish. Happy Monday bruurp!!" Don't fear, we didn't kill Plinky or anything of the sort, this is one of those non-sentient bought in Tesco's kinda fish. Is it ok to eat fish? Why can't the happy day gang handle simile today? Will anyone ever rise to take Plinky's place in the hierachy of evil fish? Is there even a hierachy? Hmm... confusing, let's travel back in time and have lots of Bill and Ted style adventures so that we can ask Confuscious what he say. Love and light The Happy Day Gang.
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