Tuesday 31 July 2007

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday one and all, your daily injection of happy day wishes is here, containing as much happiness as 300 Mr Happys mashed and concentrated into one glass full of happiness. That's a lot of happy fibre! Fluffet, Muffet and Tuffet the Y'all Cats from the deep south are going to the town dance yeehaw!
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"Why you can always depend on the kindness of the happy day gang. We're going to hop on a streetcar named Desire and ride all the way past Elysian fields to our Town Hall knees up. Happy Tuesday y'all!"

Sadly Puffet can't make it out today, she's feeling under the weather.
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"Too much Southern comfort for me yesterday eve, mrrow"

Some cats never learn eh, how are we going to marry off Puffet to a gentleman caller if she's always tipping back the moonshine?

Today's forecast is Peaches, millions of them... for free apparently (legend has it they come in a can, and were put there by a man, in a factory somewhere in the downtown area.)

Who will get todays little pleasure box of cultural references? How many people in the company know what vista means? Will I regret not bringing a jacket today? Is it true that whenever George Bush speaks an angel falls from heaven?

You could find the answers, but sometimes it's nice to live not knowing.


The Happy Day Gang.

Monday 30 July 2007

Happy Monday!!!

Happy Monday people, it's the bottom of the hill, the beginning of the week, so let's get our hiking boots on and start this journey off the right way with keyboard cat.
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"Now if I plug myself in just here then I can play tunes out of my bum whenever I press this button. Happy Monday people!!! It's time to throw some shapes!!!!!!"
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Work it, shamon! Today's forecast is chevrons, because nothing says "don't drive here!" like a load of painted lines.

Can ya tell what it is yet? Will the clouds part to reveal sun? Is a tree's bark worse than its bite? Why weren't the other Matrix films as good?



The Happy Day Gang.

Saturday 28 July 2007

Llama Rules...

Love the Llama
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He just wants a hug...

Do not love the Llama this much:
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He just wants to be friends....

Or do this:
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They find that offensive
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"We are not amused"

Friday 27 July 2007

Happy Friday!!!

Gutten tag happy day following posse! That's right, it's time for your daily dose of Happy Day Gang fun! Coming at ya like a chaffinch! Today's happy day wishes are from the shape throwing hip grooving Buster T Move cat!
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"Yeah man, I'm a rave cat, I was throwing shapes This Big! Happy Friday! Now who's got my glowsticks?"

Today's forecast is Mango Chutney, no other chutneys look to be forecast this month.

How much bigger will the happy day gang get? How long until I get into trouble? Did Dappledown farm really happen or was it just a figment of my imagination? Is it coz I is Cheese?

There are no answers to those questions so don't go looking....

Seriously, don't.....

There's no point, you will never find out......

Even google doesn't know........... Well maybe it does..........

But go do some work.............

Go on.......

hop it like a springbok evading a group of militant ants on skateboards.
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"Not the ants again! Every week......."

Thursday 26 July 2007

Happy Thursday!!!

Well Gilbert had no luck yesterday at all, it seems that even the world's best aquatic donkey could not find the elusive and very much evil Tetra. In a surprise turn about though the mighty Link from Legend of Zelda turned up, cool as you like with his rod (fishing rod you dirty sods) and just started fishing away. Before you knew it he'd managed to catch the evil Tetra and all his fishy minions. Hooray for Link!!!! Mr Cheese and the happy day gang are all free, Columbo can go back to investigating things in an annoying way, Jack Bauer can go back to answering all his phone calls dramatically, stealth cat gets his bag back and the ninja cats can all go and continue playing Metal Gear and getting wasted.
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Well Link never was much of a talker, so it looks like he can't wish a Happy Thursday. Never fear though, Hooratio the Hooray Cat has no problems stepping up to the mark to wish today's happiness on one and all!
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"Hooray and Hurrah! I am Hooratio the Hooray cat, Hooray for Link, see how happy I am, haha and etc it is all good here. Happy Thursday one and all, the Happy Day Gang is free!!!!!"

Where next for the happy day gang? How many pictures of random cats are on the internet? Will we sit or stand for our meetings today? Who got the fire?

To find out the answers to any of these questions ask the moon, he may know. Until tomorrow peeps!

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"Ha ha, I am Pilky the evilest fish, they caught my foolish brethren, but not me, I'm far too evil. Herbet the tetra was the Cinquecento of evil, he was the Phantom Menace to my Revenge of the Sith, the Carling C2O to my Stella, the slimfast to my 15inch pizza, that's right, I'm full fat evil!!! He was a muppet too! One day I shall strike Happy Day gang, one day......"

Ooooooo ominous, it's just like Inspector Gadget.

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Happy Wednesday!!!

Warning. This email contains mild peril, bad language and traces of nutters. A good morning to you all from the Happy Day Ga.......... kzzrrrkkkkkk................bbrrreeeppp..........................
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"Har har!!!! I am the evil Tetra!!! All your baze belong to uz!!!! It waz I who framed Mr Cheeze for terrorit attack against our country. No longer shall he dare surf in my water, dizrupting my evil planz and generally being all cat like and non-fizchy. The Happy Day Gang will be no more and my legion if fizchy friendz will wizsh you salmon dayz intead. That right, every day you zshall pend zwimming uptream just to get scwewed and die. Bwahahaha!!!! I zshall leave you for now to plot and ruminate on further evil stepperz to make the live of the land dwellerz more impozzible. One day I shall rule you all!!!!!"

Phew! Seems like we've got back control of the transmission. Well it seems we finally know who our true foe has been all along. It's the king of the Tetras a master of general evil and nastiness, Herbet the Tetra. (we think he turned evil after being named Herbet, honestly... what a name for a Tetra... well that and his inability to pronounce most words with 's' in them properly.) Well never fear Happy Day followers, the gang are quick to action and Gilbert the sea horse is all set to take to the high seas and kick some fishy tail!
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"Yay, beseech and so forth. I am Gilbert, master of the deep. I got my diving lessons off ebay, now I'm ready to kick some behind! Oh, and Happy Wednesday! Today's forecast is jam with a hint of cranberry spray"

Will Gilbert be successful? Are we milking the whole Happy Day Gang concept? Did I bring sandwiches? If the camera isn't on him does Jamie Theakston exist? Which of these questions will be answered?

Who knows... stay tuned to find out tomorrow in the exciting adventures of the Happy Day Gang.

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Happy Tuesday!!!

Well little Suede headed Ryo baby boy didn't have much luck and ended up annoying people more than help to get any closer to finding the evidence tape. Only one thing is left, to call on the biggest double team in history............................. Columbo and Jack Bauer!!!!
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"Something's just not quite right"
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"This is Bauer, it's imperative that you do what I say and have a Happy Tuesday!"

With these two working the field they're bound to get results!

Will Mr Cheese ever leave hiding? What did I have for breakfast? What food for lunch today? Has Tony Blair really left us or just turned invisibile?

Stay tuned for the answers to one of these questions, ask me for the answer to another, go take a look for the other, wait and see for the last. It's all excitement with the Happy Day Gang.

Monday 23 July 2007

Happy Monday!!!

Well Mewsli the stealth cat was freed over the weekend! Hurrah I hear you cry!!! The tape proving Mr Cheese's innocence however was lost. Not to worry though, everyone's favourite detective is on the case, preparing to ask everyone about what happened "that day." It's little suede-headed baby boy Ryo Hazuki from the classic game Shenmue!
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"Have you heard of.... the phoenix mirror? Sorry, wrong case.... Happy Monday"

We apologise for the 99.99% of people who won't get the reference. Normal service will resume tomorrow.

Will Mr Cheese be successful in proving his innocence? Does anyone ever read these? Hello? Is the Earth still round or is everyone's footsteps flattening it? Will I ever iron my jeans for work?

Stay tuned for answers to the first question only tomorrow.

Friday 20 July 2007

Happy Friday!!!!

Unfortunately Mewsli the stealth cat was rustled yesterday and has been captured by the enemy. He managed to keep the evidence safe but he's the only one to know the whereabouts. There's only one thing for it, time to send out the ninja cats to save him!!
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"Haha! I'm samurai cat, I shall use the power of my finely honed grass blade"
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"Meow, I'm ninja Dave, I'm just a ninja called Dave"

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"Wattah!" I am Jenki, shadow mover, hunter of the whiskers"
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"Mmm.... and yoda cat I am... free Mewsli we will! Happy Friday you will have!!!!"

Thursday 19 July 2007

Happy Thursday!!!!

Good morning one and all. The fight to clear Mr Cheese's name still continues. There has been a lot of progress over night, the happy day gang has managed to secure evidence that clearly shows that Mr Cheese is just a cool cat and not part of a criminal master plan. Mewsli the stealth cat prepares to go undercover to deliver the evidence to government officials but comes to wish us happy Thursday before making his dangerous journey.
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"Sshhh... Don't tell anyone but I'm actually not a bag, I'm a stealth cat. Happy Thursday everyone and wish me luck!"

Sent by Mr Cheese via the free Email Scheduler service.
Register now at http://www.emailschedule.com

Wednesday 18 July 2007

Happy Wednesday!!!

Good morning one and all, and what a happy wednesday we hope it will be. However Mr Cheese can't make it today I'm afraid due to being wrongly implicated in a terrorist attack and thus going into hiding. Miguel is here to wish you all a happy Wednesday before exacting the first revenge.

"I will kill the pigs that dare to wrongly sully the good name of Mr Cheese, bringer of the funk. Oh and Happy Wednesday"

The happy day gang can't run any forecasts today, due to our movements being hindered by having to stay all hidden and stuff.

Tuesday 17 July 2007

Happy Tuesday!!!

Mr Cheese is back!!! Hurrah! He thought he'd make a special appearance and get in today to say hello to all members of the happy day gang. You're probably thinking "should I bow or should I curtsy?" well the answer is bow, a curtsy is so middle ages in Mr Cheese's opinion.
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"Hey y'all, I'm back today, Happy Tuesday everyone, hurrah and meow to you all." Today's forecasts are great all round because Mr Cheese is here and we're all now very happy.

Sent by Mr Cheese via the free Email Scheduler service.
Register now at http://www.emailschedule.com

Monday 16 July 2007

Happy Monday!!!

Well it's time to bowl us another week, let's hope it's a strike. Today's Happy day wishes are sent from Lewis the Spectator Cat. He hides on your stairs and watches you watch TV, he's a bit strange like that.
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"Hmmm.... so that's how you look when watching Neighbours... bored. Happy Monday y'all."

What TV shows shall we trash next? The list is endless...

The forecast for today is violins, let's hope they combine together into a wonderful string arrangement rather than wailing all solo and untuned.

Sent by Mr Cheese via the free Email Scheduler service.
Register now at http://www.emailschedule.com

Friday 13 July 2007

Happy Friday!!!

Congratulations, you have made it to the end of the week, please pass go and collect £200. Today's Happy Day wishes come from Mr Cheese's cousin Sioufi.
"Hello darlings, hope you are keeping yourself well preened and cool with it. Happy Friday my honies, meeeeow!" Today's forecast is yeah mon. Be cool people.

Sent by Mr Cheese via the free Email Scheduler service.
Register now at http://www.emailschedule.com

Thursday 12 July 2007

Happy Thursday!!!

We at the Happy day gang give our apologies for the lateness of the wishing of your Happy Thursday. We should've known better than to trust a timely wishing to come from Pinkerton The Lazy Mog, but anyway, he's here now. Better late than never I suppose...
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"Yawn!!!! Sorry I'm late nyap nyap... Happy Thursday! I'm off to bed..." Today's forecast is sheep. Don't count them or you'll end up like Pinkerton, all tired and lazy and stuff.

Sent by Mr Cheese via the free Email Scheduler service.
Register now at http://www.emailschedule.com

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Happy Wednesday!!!

Mr Cheese can't come in today to wish you all a Happy Wednesday as Mr Smiggles T Cat pinched his tooth brush and Mr Cheese doesn't work unless he's minty fresh.
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"Bwahahaha! I have the tooth brush of the mighty Cheese, now all my teeth will be clean!"

Today's forecast is footballs. Ball, ball, ball, footie, footie, footie!

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Happy Tuesday!

Today's Tuesday wishes are brought to you by Mr Traffic Light.
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"Red.... amber.... blue???? Surely not, I should be going green. I must've spent too long abroad I've gone all blue for go!! Oh well, it makes a nice change, Happy Tuesday!!!"

We're sure Mr Traffic Light's normal colour will return soon. May all your days traffic lights be green today (or blue.)

Today's forecast is lateness, are we nearly there yet?

Monday 9 July 2007

Happy Monday!!!

Rattus dear Rattus, does not like the cattus, will not go near cactus, or he will get splattus.
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"Vth Vth Vth!!! Happy Monday!!!"

Today's forecast is the M25, beware, you may spend today going round in circles, or your day may be brought to a stand still.

Friday 6 July 2007

Happy Friday!

Mr Cheese is still recovering from his croquet injury today but his girlfriend Lady Pussington has come in to wish you all a happy Friday.
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"Hello one, hello all, I am here representing my gorgeous Mr Cheese and the happy gang to wish you all a Happy Friday. Chill and enjoy"

Today's forecasted colour is: Green.

Thursday 5 July 2007

Happy Thursday!!!

We at the Happy day team hope that you are keeping well and enjoying the fun and joys that life has to offer. Today's forecast is purple with a big spoonful of psychedelia. Anyway, Mr Cheese cannot come in today because he hurt his paw playing Croquet with the ya yas yesterday. So Parker drove in Ya Ya Cat and Ya Ya Dog to wish you both Happy Thursday, and I wish it too!
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"Ya Ya Ya Ya Arf and Meow! Happy Thursday wot wot wot!!!"

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Happy Wednesday!

Although Mr Cheese is now back from his holiday Parker is here to wish you both Happy Wednesday! He's Mr Cheese's chauffeur but unfortunately he forgot one thing this morning when driving in... Mr Cheese.
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"I knew I'd forgotten something this morning, well there goes my pay rise out of the window. Anyway, Happy Wednesday to your souls!"

Don't worry, Parker will get his yearly pay rise, I spoke to Mr Cheese on the phone and he's happy to have the day off. He's going to make the most of it and head over to Meowington to play croquet with the ya yas. Today's forecast is Strongbow, not the popular and allegedly refreshing cider but in fact just a bow that is strong. It's been forecast to appear somewhere on the planet so maybe if everyone keeps an eye out someone will spot it. We believe Americans celebrate they're Independence Day today, so if any Americans are here then Happy Independence Day and congratulations on beating all those aliens.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Happy Tuesday!!!!!

Good morning! Here's on for the ladies, today we have Orlando Bloom wishing us all a happy Tuesday whilst eating an invisible sandwich...
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"Yum yum munch munch.... happy Tuesday! That sure was some tasty air." Interestingly when I went to the pub in Waterloo the other week, I sat in the same seat as Orlando Bloom did days before. Yes that's right, I have shared the same bum space as a famous. Today's forecast is Leafy, enjoy the green people, absorb the power of the chlorophyll.

Sent by Mr Cheese via the free Email Scheduler service.
Register now at http://www.emailschedule.com

Monday 2 July 2007

Happy Monday!

Uh oh, it's that dreaded Monday day again. Don't worry though, we're still here to wish you a happy and enjoyable one. Today's Happy Day wishes come from Keith Flint of The Prodigy fame.
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"Raise the pressure, have a Happy Day I'll test ya!" He's a scary looking gent but don't worry, he's perfectly safe. Keep him away from those giant walk in inflatable balls though. Last time he was in one he ended up running all the way to Prague. Today's forecast is "Yippeee yippeee ya!" It's really going to be one of those days isn't it.

Sent by Mr Cheese via the free Email Scheduler service.
Register now at http://www.emailschedule.com