It's coming to the end of June people, it being time that is. Time is flying by, it has wings, no more Red Bull for that time. How would we slow time down, other than obviously cutting off its Red Bull supply, it's a mystery. We at the happy day gang would very much like our weekends and evenings to slow down and our work time to speed up, that's our vote, let's petition the cosmos. Anyway, enough silly frivolity, let's get on to the serious business of today's happy day wishes. Today's wishes come from the odd and occasionally freaky cockerel Columbus, a mighty bow to his wizened ability to count to five. Columbus the Cockerel can count to five, bacon or doughnuts or cheese and chives.

"Count 'em ehheheh, count 'em eheheh. One Happy Thursday, two Happy Thursdays, three Happy Thursdays, four Happy Thursdays, five Happy Thursdays!" That's a lot of Happy Thursdays! Today's forecast is Nurofen, now all pain shall be banished, hurrah! Have we been wished five Happy Thursdays or fifteen from Columbus? Who would win between Columbus and the Count from Sesame Street in a kipper fight? What is scrumping? If the whole world shouted "Oi!" together would Jupiter say "What?" The answers to all these questions appear in a code within one of Shakespeare's plays, best get studying if you want to find out. Ribbetgards, The Happy Day Gang.
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