Friday, 3 August 2007

Happy Friday!!!

Hear ye, year he, it's Friday oh indeedy of yes! Mr Cheese and The Biscuits are close to full formation now, Grundy is stepping up to play some heavy weight lead guitar, his claws are built in picks, he's a natural.
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"I love to wail on the guitar, and by that I mean as in rock heavy, not as in sitting on the guitar and make loud crying sounds. Happy Friday!!!! Rock on!!!!"

Those observant amongst you will notice that Grundy is left handed and plays a right handed guitar upside down, just like the mighty Jimi Hendrix snarf snarf! Today's forecast is Blue Tits, as in the cute flying birds and not what you get when your bra is too tight.

Is this a sign of the Happy Day gang getting a little saucy? What really did happen to the Likely Lads? Will anyone notice there are only three questions today instead of four?

All these questions, will we ever know? Des Lynam was seen lurking near a hat stand with something looking suspiciously like the answers, QUICK! You may still catch him!!


The Happy Day Gang.

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