It's the downward slope people on our long journey to the land of weekend, we've conquered the summit of the week and now we're all heading towards the lodge of non-working freedom for tea and biscuits.
Important news of the day! The Happy Day Gang is original, it appears no other happy day gang exists according to the God of Google. Of course these results are somewhat skewed by people online who can't spell "Happy Days Gang" (as in Fonz and co.)
Today's Happiness and Joy is sent from Mephisto the Mischievous cat, he carries around his banana skin and places it in busy pedestrianised areas. He then films people falling over on his mobile and sends it to all his mates. Police are concerned with the rise in Happy Slipping recently.

"Mya ha ha, subversion of the masses people. Soon all your behinds will meet pavement. Don't worry though, we cushion their fall with tribbles so nobody gets hurt. Happy Thursday!!!!"
The Happy Day Gang are fully aware that some of you are blonde and may not know what a Tribble is. Here for your delectation is a picture of one:

Thank you Mr Tribble for that insightful comment (I can speak Tribble.)
We feel lucky today so perhaps it is time to buy those lotto tickets that the purple bearded Yin of largeness doth pimp to us on the TV, coz you never know.
Today's forecast is Jeep Cherokees, curse those gas gussling giants, there's too many already.
What did the Tribble say? Why all the questions everyday? Where is everybody? If you laid out all the time spent on these emails end to end would it make a week yet?
These questions have been forwarded to Sophocles and Plato in heaven, they shall ruminate a while and then send down their answers through a morse code of rain drops.
The Happy Day Gang.