Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday one and all, your daily injection of happy day wishes is here, containing as much happiness as 300 Mr Happys mashed and concentrated into one glass full of happiness. That's a lot of happy fibre! Fluffet, Muffet and Tuffet the Y'all Cats from the deep south are going to the town dance yeehaw!
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"Why you can always depend on the kindness of the happy day gang. We're going to hop on a streetcar named Desire and ride all the way past Elysian fields to our Town Hall knees up. Happy Tuesday y'all!"

Sadly Puffet can't make it out today, she's feeling under the weather.
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"Too much Southern comfort for me yesterday eve, mrrow"

Some cats never learn eh, how are we going to marry off Puffet to a gentleman caller if she's always tipping back the moonshine?

Today's forecast is Peaches, millions of them... for free apparently (legend has it they come in a can, and were put there by a man, in a factory somewhere in the downtown area.)

Who will get todays little pleasure box of cultural references? How many people in the company know what vista means? Will I regret not bringing a jacket today? Is it true that whenever George Bush speaks an angel falls from heaven?

You could find the answers, but sometimes it's nice to live not knowing.


The Happy Day Gang.

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