Friday, 27 July 2007

Happy Friday!!!

Gutten tag happy day following posse! That's right, it's time for your daily dose of Happy Day Gang fun! Coming at ya like a chaffinch! Today's happy day wishes are from the shape throwing hip grooving Buster T Move cat!
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"Yeah man, I'm a rave cat, I was throwing shapes This Big! Happy Friday! Now who's got my glowsticks?"

Today's forecast is Mango Chutney, no other chutneys look to be forecast this month.

How much bigger will the happy day gang get? How long until I get into trouble? Did Dappledown farm really happen or was it just a figment of my imagination? Is it coz I is Cheese?

There are no answers to those questions so don't go looking....

Seriously, don't.....

There's no point, you will never find out......

Even google doesn't know........... Well maybe it does..........

But go do some work.............

Go on.......

hop it like a springbok evading a group of militant ants on skateboards.
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"Not the ants again! Every week......."

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