Well Gilbert had no luck yesterday at all, it seems that even the world's best aquatic donkey could not find the elusive and very much evil Tetra. In a surprise turn about though the mighty Link from Legend of Zelda turned up, cool as you like with his rod (fishing rod you dirty sods) and just started fishing away. Before you knew it he'd managed to catch the evil Tetra and all his fishy minions. Hooray for Link!!!! Mr Cheese and the happy day gang are all free, Columbo can go back to investigating things in an annoying way, Jack Bauer can go back to answering all his phone calls dramatically, stealth cat gets his bag back and the ninja cats can all go and continue playing Metal Gear and getting wasted.

Well Link never was much of a talker, so it looks like he can't wish a Happy Thursday. Never fear though, Hooratio the Hooray Cat has no problems stepping up to the mark to wish today's happiness on one and all!

"Hooray and Hurrah! I am Hooratio the Hooray cat, Hooray for Link, see how happy I am, haha and etc it is all good here. Happy Thursday one and all, the Happy Day Gang is free!!!!!"
Where next for the happy day gang? How many pictures of random cats are on the internet? Will we sit or stand for our meetings today? Who got the fire?
To find out the answers to any of these questions ask the moon, he may know. Until tomorrow peeps!

"Ha ha, I am Pilky the evilest fish, they caught my foolish brethren, but not me, I'm far too evil. Herbet the tetra was the Cinquecento of evil, he was the Phantom Menace to my Revenge of the Sith, the Carling C2O to my Stella, the slimfast to my 15inch pizza, that's right, I'm full fat evil!!! He was a muppet too! One day I shall strike Happy Day gang, one day......"
Ooooooo ominous, it's just like Inspector Gadget.
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